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Finally, Truth in Advertising (Just Kidding)

Wow what a deal! Thats ... Not What The Ad Said! Click for code-related citation! [other than clicking on this ad, my blog and I have no relationship with Network Solutions]

#1 on Google Forever

A Virus is Being Circulated in Forum Posts with Content from This Website

Someone is creating forum posts with content from this website and links back to this website. Embedded in the forum post is a download to an executable called ares.exe, designed to look like a P2P client installer that is actually part of the Agobot family of worms (aka gaobot or My website will never have executables available for download. Few people reading this website would be inclined to download a virus this stupidly designed. More likely the point of this attack is to associate links to my site with malicious software in order to stop traffic to the site. To the attacker: Agobot is designed for idiots. You are an idiot. Even Wikipedia thinks you are an idiot. Here's from the article on Ago, which gave me a laugh - " Agobot is an example of a Botnet that requires little or no programming knowledge to use. " Its been 48 hours and you've been caught. Maybe targeting network engineers isn't the brightest idea? Here is an example of a forum

"About Me" Page Has Been Updated

You can tell from the subject line this is going to be exciting stuff! The About Me section of the site has been updated with new contact information. I have also added a fairly comprehensive statement concerning the ethics and finances of the site. What it amounts to is: feel free to reproduce anything you see here as long as you're not using it to break the law or spam. I won't take money to write a post, and I will always clarify my relationship to companies discussed in a post, when one exists. I lose money on this site (hosting is free, but my time is not), and I will continue to lose more money as the site continues to grow (we are right at the point where Blogger and free hosting in general won't cut it with our traffic). Also - everything that I write on this site is my own opinion and no one else's. The opinions on this site do not reflect those of my current or previous employers. Finally, if you ever have any concerns about something posted on the site, if

ASPY.a - Malware Source Identified as Blackhat Control Panel Developer

I've spotted a trojan/shell exploit that targets ASP.NET named ASPY.a making the rounds again recently. By no means a 0-day or brand new bit of malware, ASPY.a has been around for about 2 years . It takes advantage of vulnerable ASP scripts, uploads itself to a web server and in unpatched systems that lack sensible permissions policies and the latest updates, it can grant remote attackers administrator access. Microsoft Security Essentials will catch it, however I've seen at least one version of Symantec that does not completely remove compromised files - with Symantec server-level compromise was prevented, but the website itself remained controllable. So why am I writing a post about a 2 year old piece of malware? The story here is that the circulation appears to be driven by a developer based in Russia that sells "server control panel" (панель управления сервером, управление) software for novices tasked with IIS-based website management. The name of the company is

Merger Alert

Freelancer.Com, a clearinghouse for employers to higher developers and technicians for one-off jobs that need fixin' based in Tampa Florida, acquired competitor vWorker last week. Both companies are privately held. vWorker was founded in 2001 as For Freelancer, this could be a great purchase. Dismal credit-strapped economies provide significant advantages for companies that are cash-rich and that (gasp!) create wealth by serving customers that do not need to rely on the fleeting good graces of investors, bankers and taxpayers. Let's see if this is the beginning of an acquisition phase for the company. Combined with a growing base of employers with diverse employment needs that fear the commitment of new hires, a few key acquisitions and a smart marketing campaign could pay off big for Freelancer.Com. Full disclosure: I've worked for Freelancer in the past (however I have not done so for over a year, and I was not paid for this post, or any other post on

Scheduling Application Pool Recycles in Windows Server 2008 and 2012

TimeSpan[]Array and the TimeSpan Collection Editor The process for scheduling an application pool to recycle at specific times in Windows Server 2008 and 2012 is a bit different then in previous versions. Launch IIS Manager, expand application pools and highlight the application pool to modify. Under the Actions menu on the right hand side, select Advanced Settings. Scroll down to the Recycling section and expand it. You are looking for the TimeSpan[]Array entry of Specific Times section, highlighted in the example above. Click the three dots to the right of this entry. Click the Add button under the Members window on the left hand side. This will produce a new value in the Properties window. click the new value and modify it using a 24 hour / military clock standard . Select OK and you're all set!