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The Latest Not-So-Subtle Threat to Tech Companies Using Encryption

This time the kneecap-breaker is Stewart Baker, former counsel general of the NSA and assistant secretary for the Department of Homeland Security (currently counsel with Steptoe & Johnson LLP). Baker claims that Blackberry (AKA RIM) should blame its use of strong encryption for its poor market performance . Specifically: He claimed that by encrypting user data Blackberry had limited its business in countries that demand oversight of communication data, such as India and the UAE and got a bad reception in China and Russia. “They restricted their own ability to sell. We have a tendency to think that once the cyberwar is won in the US that that is the end of it - but that is the easiest war to swim.” Of course, Baker makes no mention of the iPhone snatching up corporate mobile market-share, or tiny changes in the phone market like, I dunno, the implementation of the Android OS. But who cares about little fish like that when the United Arab Emirates is at stake? Baker's s

Uploading HTML forms to Amazon S3 using PHP

Dynamically uploading information to S3 can be a bit challenging to do initially, particularly in PHP where a lot of the documentation is either really new or really old. Amazon has a PHP SDK , which is available as either a .phar file or can be installed using Composer . That's cool for building a new project, but what if you have a pre-existing project or form and just want to be able to dump the text output to S3? I've put together some code at Github that will take care of that issue. The only requirement is PHP and an Amazon S3 account. Download or clone the files here: Your Amazon access keys and other configuration are stored in a single configuration file. Just fill out your login info into the configuration file and include the php form where you need it as outlined in the file and you should be all set!

Grace Hopper Documentary Released Today

A long time ago in a data center far, far away, the word "computer" was a job title. For a person. One of those people was Grace Hopper. Grace, h@xing on a sweet laptop in the 40's Grace worked her way up to Rear Admiral in the US Navy; no small feat for a woman of any time, but even more amazing as she started her career in the 30's with a PhD in math from Yale. In the Navy, she would go on to work on the Harvard Mark 1 (the first modern computer), and she headed the team that wrote the first compiler . Her contributions to computer science are immense. They are also largely glossed over by a science and an industry that is, let's face it, a bit of a sausage fest. It wasn't always that way. When computers were people, the industry was dominated by women, who tended to have better typing skills than men, and were cheaper to hire. Their contributions to the industry have been forgotten for decades, but thankfully there is a bit of a renaissance in unc

Charlie Hebdo - Martyrs & Heroes of Free Speech

This morning the headquarters of Parisian comedy rag Charlie Hebdo was attacked. Masked gunmen entered the magazine's office and killed 10 employees and 2 French policemen who tried to intervene. The gunmen escaped, and are apparently at large. While there has yet to be a formal claim of responsibility, just about everyone with a news press or a TV camera believes that the perpetrators are Islamic militants. Hebdo HQ has already been attacked for publishing funny papers mocking the holy Muhammed; about 3 short years ago, the office was firebombed. This blog o' mine is focused on fixing computers. Occasionally, we talk about how computers are used (and mis-used) to violate people's privacy. Rarely, if ever, do we get political; excepting once or twice when we have mocked US government attempts to abolish encryption . This post will be an exception. I take free speech seriously. I have always enjoyed shooting off at the mouth. Moreover, the newspaper racket is somewha

Gogo Inflight Internet Using SSL Exploit for Customer Surveillance

For many years in the IT community, it was assumed that time spent travelling on an airplane was wasted. At best, you could make do with expensive and often-unreliable cell network coverage for connectivity. Even that was an issue, though, because of the airline's histrionic and decades-out-of-date concern that electronic devices interfered with flight navigation equipment. On top of having to pay a premium for unreliable service, you had to be sneaky about it, as well. Some of us handled the situation better than others So when in-flight internet services first started to become integrated to major airline fleets en masse, many tech people applauded. Those of us who had to attend trade shows, travel to meet customers or were responsible for multiple data center locations could get things done as we bounced back and forth across the country.  The bandwidth was every bit as expensive as roaming cell network charges, regularly more expensive, but the planes were being equipped

rDNS to Burn Ho Ho Ho

Every year, like clockwork, someone makes sure to do something clever like this. Dont forget to set your max ttl to a little over 100 so you get ALL the lyrics. You don't want to miss out on a Christmas miracle. $ traceroute -m 120 traceroute to (, 120 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 ( 1.700 ms ( 2.160 ms 2.121 ms 2 ( 1.287 ms ( 1.850 ms ( 1.514 ms 3 ( 1.697 ms ( 1.431 ms ( 1.637 ms 4 ( 0.816 ms ( 0.870 ms ( 0.929 ms 5 ( 3.181 ms 2.279 ms ( 1.175 ms 6 ( 1.731 ms 1.315 ms 205

Apache VirtualHost Proxy Configuration - Helpful for Tomcat, Node.js and similar frameworks

I recently came across this question on ServerFault: " I've subsonic application running of [sic] tomcat. Everything else works on apache. I don't want to write port number everytime [sic] so I'd like to set-up [sic] a simple directory where subsonic will be accessible. So, I'm trying to make virtualhost file [sic] inside apache dir. [...] I tried many variations, but cannot make anything work. " The poor chap than [sic - ha!] provided an example of his latest go at the problem, an excerpt from his httpd.conf file: <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot /var/www/streamer ProxyPass / http://mini.local:4040/ ProxyPassReverse / http://mini.local:4040/ </VirtualHost>   Not sure a bad go of it, all thing considered. Still, it wasn't providing him with the sort of results he was looking for. Naturally I had encountered similar issues not long ago myself, with the implementation of a Ghost blogging soft