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Thank You

The website is rapidly approaching a quarter million hits(!). I haven't really done much to plug the site besides announcing new posts on Twitter and Google Plus, of which combined I have about 30 followers. Some time ago I used the free Bing and Adwords credits they give you for signing up. It never drove any real traffic to the site, and I never renewed after the trial. The only explanation I can think of is that people are reaching the site while looking for a way to fix a vexing issue, which is exactly what I had hoped for. Well, in all fairness, 14% (at most) seem to be looking for free Windows product keys (and leaving disappointed - sorry folks). All in all, that wave was about 33,000 views, which leaves over 200,000. Our average post gets about 1,000 views, with quite a few getting around 5,000 to 10,000. India is the second largest source of traffic, behind the US and before the UK. Perhaps most surprising, my post about qBasic Gorillas is the most popular (behind th

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Hi everyone. My sincerest apologies for what has amounted to a year-long delay in publication. The break was due to a combination of factors - my job making it tough for me to write about tech matters away from the office and a failure to update payment information with my DNS provider. Im sad to say that as of this moment "" is being held ransom by bulk domain purchasers. Best of luck to them; I can't speak for any of the other Josh Wieders out there but this one has about ten bucks he is willing to spend for the privilege of not using a subdomain. What this means is that we will be stuck using for the time being, unfortunately. Ill try to update the search engines and broken links to the best of my ability to do so. FYI every other part of the URL structure remains the same, so would become and not or something. I'll have some n


Gorillas in QBasic

Aalto Univesity - Linus Torvalds Discussion

Linus Torvalds speaks at Aalto University. The high point of the talk is when Nvidia is called out as the "worst company [Torvalds] has ever worked with". F bombs are dropped. Its amazing.

I Don't Want Your Code - Linux Foundation Keynote, Greg Kroah-Hartman

Canonical / UbuntuForums.Com Compromised

The Ubuntu Forums maintained by Canonical have been hacked. Canonical has been incredibly transparent and are forwarding all HTTP requests to a statement regarding the attack. Many people are impacted by this attack. Hopefully, the impact is negligible as people shouldnt be using shared logins. In the real world, though, lots of people need to change their email passwords as quickly as possible. Of all the people whose day you could ruin ... Ubuntu?

Command Line is Not a Crime - SSH via ICMP

There is a great way to bypass network security policies for penetration testing or to just use a free wireless connection with draconian filters. Make your SSH connection look like pings. Remember: Command Line is NOT a Crime Check out Daniel Stodle's university page for a very helpful SSH via ICMP client .