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MSSQL .NET sysobjects Cheatsheet - Viewing and Creating Sysobjects

The following in formation should be valid for MSSQL 2005 and 2008. Sysobject creation is best handled using the GUI available at $WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\$version_number\aspnet_regsql.exe. Under some circumstances, this may not be possible or preferable. In those circumstances, the following queries can assist you. To view all installed sysobjects for the database, run the following query, replacing DBNAME with the name of the relevant database: use DBNAME go select * from sysobjects where xtype ='P' and name like 'aspnet_%' Sysobject creation scripts are specific to the object. The script below will create aspnet_SchemaVersions: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion    @Feature                   nvarchar(128),    @CompatibleSchemaVersion   nvarchar(128) AS BEGIN IF (EXISTS( SELECT  *                FROM dbo.aspnet_SchemaVersions                WHERE   Feature = LOWER( @Feature ) AND                        CompatibleSchemaVersion =

For Your Consideration, Neutron the Atomic Superman vs. the Death Robots

DIY Boards

I may be a bit late to this party, but I am excited to get my hands on the Arduino Board , a small, open-source everything hardware hacking platform (psst I get no kickbacks from these people and have no relationship with the corporation I just think you might like it). The only downer is, I have 0 experience with Arduino. They are going for about $10-$15 though, which is cheaper than your average programming language manual, so this would be a cool way to learn. This reminds me of the time I set a server on fire trying to attempt power conversion for a very unique SCSI hard drive while attempting forensics without proper tools (remember before SAS became cool and how every SCSI device seemed to have its own pinout?). I may have to post about that soon.

Google's Disavow Links Function

I am still doing a bit of research on this function (and have plans to update this page appropriately), but this should be of considerable interest if you are anything like me and have a website that is somewhat frequently the target of hackers and spammers. The Google Disavow Links tool, part of their Webmaster Tools, will allow you to remove links from Google's algorithm, and hopefully you can successfully strike back at spammers and link farmers who would damage your website's rep.

What Math Can Teach Us About Juggling, and What The Math of Juggling Can Teach Us About Everything Else

Computers represent humanity's greatest achievement along the border of the analytic and the pragmatic. I have always been interested in where mathematics and the 'real world' meet. The question that seems to drive the latest heights of human understanding wherever I turn is - how can we use mathematics to better understand our environment, more efficiently complete tasks or provide more sophisticated and beautiful solutions to problems that are half-understood but widely believed to be resolved? This interest has informed my career, from an amateur interest in cryptography and network security as a youngster, to the study of logic at university, and now to networking and administration (I also think its why I've had more of a capacity for the discrete side of things and have floundered in calculus). This intersection in computing is widely accepted, but in more common tasks the mathematical approach to problem solving is often discarded for the obscurantism of 'c

The Secret Tool Exposed! Also, Blogger's Spam Reporting Page

Some site that calls itself "The Secret Tool" (without a hint of irony) has started linking to my site and sending junk traffic my way. Its maintained on Blogger and apparently I'm not the only one to be dismayed by the sudden rush of hits being had by these Spam-holes. While I was reading through the reports of others who have found their web traffic sullied by The Secret Tool, I found a recurring theme - folks are having difficulty finding where they can report naughty behavior like this to Google. Here is the link. Just type in the name of the blaaaag in question to produce an alert that will be delivered directly to the Trash Bin of a Google administrator:

An Astounding Surprise at the Gun Show

On my way to do some grocery shopping, I came across a gun show at the local fairgrounds. With not much else going on, I decided to check it out. There were some cool stuff at the show - my favorite was an impeccably restored Thompson sub machine gun with gold trim. What really caught my eye though, and what I ended up purchasing, had nothing to do with weapons. I found a set of 10 original Astounding Science Fictions magazines. Not in the best of condition, but certainly readable and with the unmistakable Old Book Smell that leads me to despise things like Keendles. Some of the less interesting covers (seriously) For those of you without retainers, can breath through their nose and that have girl friends, Astounding Science Fiction was a pop sci fi serial that ran from 1938 to 1960 (when it became Analog magazine, itself a great read). Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein were both regular contributors who published some of their earliest work there. This man's side burns co