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Showing posts with the label node.js

Apache VirtualHost Proxy Configuration - Helpful for Tomcat, Node.js and similar frameworks

I recently came across this question on ServerFault: " I've subsonic application running of [sic] tomcat. Everything else works on apache. I don't want to write port number everytime [sic] so I'd like to set-up [sic] a simple directory where subsonic will be accessible. So, I'm trying to make virtualhost file [sic] inside apache dir. [...] I tried many variations, but cannot make anything work. " The poor chap than [sic - ha!] provided an example of his latest go at the problem, an excerpt from his httpd.conf file: <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot /var/www/streamer ProxyPass / http://mini.local:4040/ ProxyPassReverse / http://mini.local:4040/ </VirtualHost>   Not sure a bad go of it, all thing considered. Still, it wasn't providing him with the sort of results he was looking for. Naturally I had encountered similar issues not long ago myself, with the implementation of a Ghost blogging soft

Ghost Blog Platform - Automatic sitemap.xml File Creation

There seems to be some mis-communication making the rounds about the new node.js-based Ghost blogging platform's ability to automatically generate a sitemap.xml. As of August of this year (2014), automatic sitemap.xml file generation is a core feature, not a plugin. The new documentation on Ghost's development roadmap on Trello makes this clear: But, if your like me and usually check on this sort of thing by browsing through the forums, its easy to get the idea that sitemaps will be handled in some nebulous, future plugin: I'm fairly new to working with node, and my forrays with Ghost are partly an excuse to learn a bit more. So far, I like what I see. Its true Ghost isnt as mature as say, Wordpress, but it also doesnt have the same target painted on its back (ever go through your server logs for bad requests for wp-admin.php?), and a lot of what is not there or not built well I can re-do myself. Anyone else jumping on the node.js blogger bandwagon, either wi